Dave Clough Joins BTS Team

Dave Clough has joined BTS as a sales associate with the goal of helping to transition ownership of private companies within the lower mid-market. He brings to this role deep experience as a business growth and staff development consultant, most recently in an affiliation role with Business Transition Strategies.

“We are pleased to have Dave now join our team because he has been working closely with private business owners as a consultant for years,” said John Howe, director of BTS. “He has been helping business owners overcome management challenges and staff development for years. It is a logical progression to now focus on transitioning ownership of private companies within the lower mid-market.”

He began his career as an Electrical and Computer Engineer, first in design, then sales support, and rather quickly into leadership positions.  In large companies, he managed design teams, applications engineers and was the Director of Consulting.  Dave was involved in many acquisitions at a tech company, which has grown to be on the Nasdaq-100.

In 2004 Dave left the corporate world to consult to small businesses. Since he started mPower Advisors in 2004, he has advised almost 100 companies. He has also started a few companies, one of which was sold, along the way. Dave recently wrote a book, Perfect Hire Blueprint, so that small businesses could improve their talent acquisition process. When businesses/owners are not quite ready to sell, he helps companies grow, develop exit strategies, and gets the companies positioned to sell.

Dave is currently serving as Chairman of the Board for a 100-person mechanical contractor and has helped companies with stints as temporary president and GM. Dave also served a 3-year term as a Selectman for the Town of Acton, MA. You can find his full professional background on LinkedIn.

While Dave grew up in New Hampshire, most of his career was in Massachusetts. In 2017, he moved to Gilford, NH.

Dave will be working with owners of private companies in the lower mid-market to bring their businesses to market for acquisition. He will be focusing on New Hampshire, Massachusetts and beyond.

What our clients are saying...

“BTS quickly located prospective buyers, obtained an excellent sales price, provided expert guidance and delivered it with a personal touch. Early on John Howe checked that I was prepared for life after the sale and that legal and financial council was lined up and ready to go when required. As necessary Ken Schaefer personally coached all players in the technicalities of the process, a team effort. I investigated several brokers before selecting BTS who exceeded my expectations in every regard.”

- Leander Nichols
