Learn and Grow

We are continually reading books and periodicals that relate to business transition, business development and business sales. Among the many we have found helpful are those listed below. Each of the publications listed offers insights related to different stages of your business. Some relate more to those just trying to find their way, while others venture into the topic of preparing for a sale. If you have books not on this list that you feel we should consider adding, please send a note to John Howe. If we haven’t read it yet, we will take a look and consider adding it to our list. If you’d like to discuss things, drop a note via email or give us a call at one of our offices. We love to talk about business.

Burlingham, Bo.

Finish Big: How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top. London: Portfolio Penguin, 2014. Print.Finish Big, Bo Burlingham

Carpenter, Sam: Work the System, http://www.workthesystem.com/

Warrillow, John.

Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive without You. New York: Portfolio Hardcover, 2011. Print.

Tatum, Doug.

Tatum, Doug.

L., Badaracco Jr. Joseph.

Remix Strategy: The Three Laws of Business Combinations. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review, 2015. Print.

Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin.

Finish Big: How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top. London: Portfolio Penguin, 2014. Print.Finish Big, Bo Burlingham

Carpenter, Sam: Work the System, http://www.workthesystem.com/

Gerber, Michael E.

What our clients are saying...

“BTS quickly located prospective buyers, obtained an excellent sales price, provided expert guidance and delivered it with a personal touch. Early on John Howe checked that I was prepared for life after the sale and that legal and financial council was lined up and ready to go when required. As necessary Ken Schaefer personally coached all players in the technicalities of the process, a team effort. I investigated several brokers before selecting BTS who exceeded my expectations in every regard.”

- Leander Nichols
