Growth through acquisition isn’t just for the big companies

It is not unusual to hear of a conglomerate acquiring another company to achieve market share or to help it branch into a new field. However, the trend does not just involve mega companies.

Growth through acquisition is a valid strategy for businesses in the lower mid-market as well as the mid-market. Like their larger peers, smaller entities are reaching out to acquire other businesses to achieve growth, to find new talent, to get into new markets.

Members of the BTS team have been working with several companies in recent months to help them identify a target for acquisition.

There are several phases for most projects of this type.

Defining and clarifying the goals. The advisor works with the owner and management team to clarify what is sought and why.

Identifying potential targets. Sometimes the buyer has companies in mind, but generally the best prospects are found during a confidential search.

Finding the synergies. The acquisition has to make sense, and relate directly to the strategy that has been developed during the early stages.

Framing the deal. An acquisition will require a formal offer to purchase, completion of diligence and development of an integration plan, which should be done before the formal agreement is signed.

Regardless of size, growth through acquisition is becoming a more common approach for smaller entities to remain competitive and to develop a stronger market presence.

What our clients are saying...

“It is a privilege to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Business Transition Strategies. …As with any family business, negotiations need to be handled delicately and, as with any sale, both parties need to be satisfied with the end result. Quite frankly, without their help, this could not have been achieved. John Howe and Ken Schaefer skillfully analyzed the books and were able to bridge the gap between the sellers’ belief of what the company was worth and its actual worth. Their style is objective, straightforward, thorough and kind in the delivery of their assessment. After the sale was achieved to both parties’ satisfaction, John and Ken were hired to help with the adjustment of the acquisition and the financial health of the company moving forward. I can highly recommend this talented group of experienced business advisors to any company in need of clear and thoughtful company planning and adjustments.”

- Jane Longden
